Saturday, October 31, 2009

Day 61: Breakfast For Lunch


Gateau De Crepes A La Normande
(Mound of Crepes with Apples, Flamb'e)

Michael and I had tickets to a play so I had to get the meal in early today. The crepes sounded easy enough. I've made the basic crepes recipe before. This time I wanted to make the applesauce type filling to go with them. The recipe says to layer the crepes and applesauce. It also had cognac in it. Adding cognac to a recipe does give it a a unique and smooth flavor. This was a short and truly sweet lunch. Yummy indeed.


Day 61 of 100 days (365 days is just not going to happen)

Pounds Gained: 0 lbs (Right where I started)
Pounds Lost: 5 lbs (Now to try to lose more)
Happiness Level: 100% (Got to talk to Rebecca this evening ~smile~
Missing My Kids: 100%
Cooking Enjoyment: 100% (Very easy recipe for our stressful day)
Eating Enjoyment: 100% (It was more like eating an apple cake for lunch.)
Meal Presentation: 100% (It looked so delicious but didn't photograph well for some reason)