Saturday, October 24, 2009

Day 55: Breakfast With Julia...And Michael


Crepes De Pommes De Terre JC
(Grated Potato Pancakes)

Poached Eggs ME


Orange Juice

Caribou Coffee (for Michael only)

In a desperate effort to cut back on my food intake I have switched from making dinner with Julia to making breakfast with Julia. I'm really hoping this helps me fit into my clothes better. Eating in the evening and then relaxing has never been a good combo for me. The potato pancakes impressed Michael. I think he may be okay with me changing up the way I cook now. He has put on some weight too. Dixie, my Lhasa Apso isn't excluded from the excess poundage either. She too has put on a pound or two...probably two or three actually. She loves those Julia scraps that fall on the floor while I am cooking.

The recipe for the potato pancakes suggests using the pancake for a bed for poached or fried eggs. So I poached some eggs and put them on the potatoes. It was delicious. I would have loved to have had a cup of coffee with mine but I'm doing pretty good with abstaining from coffee. I did have a wee bit at the cabin last weekend. Not much though. I really wouldn't even consider it cheating since it was such a small amount.

I added some grapes to the plate because I went light on the potatoes and only had one egg and omitted toast altogether. I'm trying to eat more fruit for breakfast and stave off my hunger for real food until noon. The other new rule is absolutely no eating after six 0'clock p.m. with the exception of fruit. Lets watch the pounds melt away. I'm off to go hike the trail with Dixie and Michael. Dixie reminds me so much of the Garfield cartoon comic strip. Even though she is a dog you should see her nonchalant personality when it comes to exercise of any kind. Egads, she hates it, she hates it all.

Day 55 of 100 (365 days of this cooking and I'll be a cow!)

Pounds Lost: 0
Pounds Gained: I don't wanna talk about it
Happiness Level: 100% (Life is good)
Missing My Kids: 100% (Keep those prayers going for Brandon)
Cooking Enjoyment: 100% (Breakfast was fun)
Eating Enjoyment: 100% (I'm obviously enjoying the eating part)
Meal Presentation: 100% (I think it looked appetizing in the pic)