Sunday, October 11, 2009

Day 47 Changing Up The Stew

Ragouts de Porc
(Pork Stew version of the Daube De Boeuf or Casserole of Beef)

Truffles (am still working on them)

I bought a beautiful pork roast at the grocery store a few days ago. I wanted to do something Beouf Bourguignon-y with it. So, I did a beef ragout recipe using the pork roast. It turned out really good. Michael said it wasn't quite as good as the Beouf Bourguignon but it was really close. The potatoes, carrots and onions took on a smooth flavor after having been drenched in the creamy wine sauce. Smooth is the best word that describes this meal. Smooooooth.

The desserts in the cookbook keep catching my eye. Lord knows I could do without then though. But I found a really fascinating recipe that I am right in the middle of making. It is a coffee flavored truffle with orange liqueur. It must be incredibly fattening because Julia gives a warning just before the recipe. It says: "These homemade candies are easy to make and, unfortunately for those who are trying not to resemble Babar the elephant, they are quite irresistible." Sounds like my kind of truffle! I'll have pics posted of these this evening as well. Michael is excited because he loves coffee flavored anything.

We just sampled the truffles. They are very rich and incredibly flavorful. These would make an excellent fancy Christmas candy to give as a gift. They are called truffles because they resemble the truffle mushroom. That is why they are intentionally rough looking. Truffles are very easy to make but take about 3 hours including chill time. That's a long time by today's standards. Julia probably thought these were "quick" and easy.

Day 47 of 100 (365 days-a year in cooking is equivalent to dog years so I am finding. I'll just do 100 days.)

Pounds Lost: 2 (Cajun dancing will melt the pounds away)
Pounds Gained: 3 (from that orginal five I lost since day one of this project, so it's okay.)
Happiness Level: 100% (Surround yourself with people who care about you. Keep the rest at arms length and you will be oh so happy!)
Missing My Kids: 100% (Keep Brandon in your prayers and support our troops.)
Cooking Enjoyment: 100% (It was fun changing it up a bit.)
Meal Presentation: 100% (Beautiful is what that was, simply beautiful.)