Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Day 49: Moussaka Meal


Sloppy Joes PE

Leftover Potatoes and Carrots JC

Garden Salad PE

Moussaka JC
(made it but we haven't eaten it yet)

The pork was gone from the pork stew but we still had potatoes and carrots. I just heated those and then I made Sloppy Joe's. Just to keep the meal easy and healthy. I also tossed together some bell peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes and cheese and then sprayed some oil and vinegar over all. It wasn't the best meal but it was quick and that was exactly what I was looking for tonight. Because I had Julia cooking to do for tomorrow.

I spent the day making the foods for Michael's birthday dinner tomorrow. The moussaka took most of my day to prepare. I had to prep the food and then wait and then do more prepping and then wait. It is done and looks delicious. I can't wait to try it tomorrow. Michael and I lived in Greece for four years and I loved their moussaka. I' ve never been able to make it and have it come out right. I found a Julia version in her cookbook. Got it all made and I sure hope it tastes as good as it smells.

Day 49 of 100 (I'm so tired today from so much cooking I can't possibly do 365 days)

Pounds Lost: 3 lb.
Pounds Gained: 2 lb. (FTOF)
Happiness Level: 100%
Missing My Kids: 100% (I stayed real busy today)
Cooking Enjoyment: 100%
Eating Enjoyment: 50% (Sloppy Joe's seem silly after all the fancy cooking)
Meal Presentation: 100% (On the moussaka, that is. The Sloppy Joe meal...not so much.)