Friday, October 9, 2009

Day 46 A Fish Dish

Souffle De Poisson JC
(Fish Souffle)

Gratin de Pommes de Terre Crecy JC
Scalloped Potatoes and Carrots w/Cream

Asparagus w/a buttered wine sauce PE

Apple Crisp PE

I started this meal at 10:30 this morning because I knew it would be a challenging one for me. A lot of Julia's recipes call for various types of molds so I have been collecting them here and them since I started this project. Today I got to use the fish mold I purchased a few weeks back. I try not to be too intimidated by Julia's recipes because I am learning that if you stick to her instructions she will get you through the recipe and that continually rings true.

About halfway into making the souffle I nearly backed out because I didn't have the type of fish that was called for in the recipe, sole or flounder. I had Maui Maui and Swordfish. I was afraid I would wreck the recipe using a different type of fish but I did anyway. I hung in there sticking with the recipe otherwise and I'm glad I did . It turned out really good. Swordfish is my fave and who doesn't like Maui Maui? I used the swordfishto grind to go in the souffle and then the Maui Maui for the pieces that are layered. I even made the Sauce Mousseline Sabayon that is to accompany the souffle. I would interpret that for you but I have no clue what it means. It tastes really good though. Maybe my girl Becky can help me out with this one. Well Miss Becky?

I've made the gratin type potatoes before. So, this time I jazzed it up with her carrot and cream version. It was pretty good. But I guess my mom spoiled us with all that cheese she put in her scalloped potaotes. I do like my mom's scalloped potaotes much better. Julia uses Swiss cheese and my mom uses good ole Velveeta. Julia's are good just not nearly as cheesy. I LOVE cheese.

The asparagus I have made many times before. They are quick, easy and healthy to eat. Since I wasn't scrambling at the stove at dinnertime, I had time to make an apple crisp for dessert. This is a microwave recipe and very easy and tastes really really good. I like this apple crisp way better than any I've had before. If anyone should want this recipe let me know. With fall coming it is a perfect time to make it. I used a type of apples I have never used before. I think they were called "honey" apples. They were crisp and juicy.

Day 46 of 100 (This is great happiness therapy but 365 days of this would be grueling)

Pounds Lost: 1
Pounds Gained: I had lost 5 but now only 1 lb. so I guess I gained 4.
Happiness Level: 100% (I have two great kids I'm thrilled)
Missing My Kids: 100% (I had a wonderful conversation with my son today...I'm blessed)
Eating Enjoyment: 100% (Fish Souffle sounded weird but it is good)
Meal Presentation: 80% (The souffle didn't show well on the plate but that's okay it tasted great)