Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day 31: Such A Succulent Sauce


Supremens de Volaille aux Champignons JC
(Chicken Breasts w/Mushrooms and Cream)

Sauteed Potatoes ME

Asparagus In A Vinaigrette Sauce ME

Pink Lemonade ME

This meal ranked right up there with the boeuf bourguignon. Michael was a huge fan the moment he put the fork in his mouth. I've never prepared chicken this way. I rubbed the chicken in lemon and salt and then quickly rolled it in the skillet in hot butter. It had to bake for about 5 minutes. I prepared the cream with port wine in the meantime. Once you make the master recipe there are various ways you can serve it. I chose the mushroom recipe. It was excellent. This was not a difficult recipe but then I gave myself plenty of time to make it.

The potatoes are becoming a signature recipe of mine. I first made them in Indiana. I quickly needed a side dish and worked with the potatoes to get a "French" flavor going. This time I tweaked it a bit and added a slice of pork jowls to them as they were cooking. The onions and seasonings and the way I do the oil gives the potatoes a totally different flavor. I cook them fast on high heat for a while then I simmer them for a long time. They are delicious!

If you aren't an asparagus fan then you should try sauteeing them in butter and doing a syrupy wine sauce over them. Now that I make them this way asparagus has become my favorite veggie. I have been cooking with Julia's recipe book for several days now. I find I consistently must have my enamel clad cast iron casserole pan and the saute pan, butter, pork fat, parsley and beef/chicken stock. Oh yeah, and lots and lots of various types of wine. I've discovered that I love port wine.

Day 31 of 100 days (I will have to entertain the thought of 365 days...the food is addictive!)

Pounds Lost: 1 pound
Pounds Gained: Phhht!
Happiness Level: 100%
Missing My Kids: 100% (Can't wait to see them in a few)
Cooking Enjoyment: 100% (It wasn't difficult at all)
Eating Enjoyment: 100% (I'd recommend the recipe to everyone. It's that good)
Meal Presentation: 75% (I should have used my other plate. I like the darker color under the food)


Anonymous said...

Hey Pam...not the Julia way but we like to wrap asparagus in bacon and then bake them in the oven on a stone with a little sea salt and pepper. I love this makes me want to cook supper even when I am exhausted after teaching all day.

pamela said...

I'll have to make the asparagus. I'm glad you are enjoying the blog. It is doing great things for me as well.