Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Day 18: Roast Pork VS. Beouf Bourguignon


Roti De Porc Poele JC
(Casserole-roasted Pork)

Carottes a la Forestiere JC
(Braised Carrots)

Marinated Braised Potatoes ME

Lemonade Smoothie ME

Wow, this pork roast was right up there with the Beouf Bourguignon. The pork marinated for several hours all night long in a 16 ingredient marinade. I initially said 20 yesterday but just referred to my MTAOFC book and it is 16 ingredients. I got the roast going in the oven this morning. I had this wonderful smelling marinade leftover. So I decided to quarter unpeeled potatoes and brown them in some olive oil and butter. And then I braised them in the marinade. They were succulent.

The carrot dish was leftover from last night and went really well with tonight's dinner. The flavors and herbs complimented each other. Michael said he liked it every bit as much as the Beouf Bourguignon. He loved that! He even asked if he could take some in his lunch tomorrow. I can always tell when he really likes what I have made because he wants it for lunch the next day.

Since summer is winding down and we won't be sitting outside on the patio much longer sipping drinks, I decided to make a nice refreshing lemonade smoothie with strawberries. The beverage was sweet enough to be called dessert... and so it was. As long as you get the roast marinading the day before this is easily a meal you could make for guests in a day. And, the house will smell delicious too!

Day18 of 100 (it is starting to become a habit cooking like this...still not doing 365 days though)

Pounds Lost:2
Pounds Gained: 3 (we aren't talking about this)
Happiness Level: 100%
Cooking Enjoyment: 100% (this meal was a breeze comparatively)
Eating Enjoyment: 100%
Meal Presentation: 100% (I thought it looked lovely)