Saturday, September 5, 2009

Day 21: Repeat Recipe With A Twist

Cheeseburger JC
Baked Macaroni (my mom made it)
Potato Salad (store bought)
Salad (store bought)
Cake (store bought)

We had a family bbq this afternoon. I did manage to use the recipe for the cheeseburgers and then my brother-in-law grilled them rather than cooking them on the stove. I'm on my trip with no husband forgot to load it up in the car. And then just before the bbq I got stung by a bee. Just before Labor Day Weekend last year I got by a bee as well. So we are waiting to see if it swells because I am allergic. I don't think the bee lost the stinger so hopefully all is well.

This evening more people are coming and I am going to fry up the pumpkin blossoms. Can't wait to try them. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Day 21 of 100 (Today is too much definitely can't do this for 365 days)

No information because I am not weighing myself this weekend and I'm not thinking of anything but having a great weekend without my luggage and with my bee sting.