Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day 83: Steaming Mussels

Moules JC
(Mussels In Wine Sauce)

Sweet Potato ME

Oyster Dressing ME

Salad ME

Canapes w/Crap Dip

While I have eaten mussels before at Asian Restaurants I have never prepared them. The recipe from Julia's cookbook suggested steaming them in wine sauce. I used vermouth and chopped the herbs fresh. And of course I added butter, lots of butter. We both enjoyed them and couldn't believe how much better it is to eat them freshly prepared. I served them with the oyster dressing that we had yesterday and a salad. I had crab dip from the baked potatoes leftover. I made canpaes and we spread the dip on that. Which by the way I will be making canapes with that crab dip at our next get together. A very simple appetizer but one that you can't leave alone. You just keep wanting to eat more. It's just cream cheese, minced green onions, chopped crab meat and a bit of lemon juice.

We are done with seafood now for a good while. I had the leftovers from yesterday and the mussels and needed to use all that up . It is gone now and we are back to land animals. If fish and seafood really is brain food than I'd say Michael and I both should be quite smart by now. We have no dessert because I think I may be seeing some leeway with my weight loss issue. I do some serious cajun dancing after each meal and am finally seeing some results. I am starting to curve where I should be curving not where I shouldn't . It's big curves but curves none the less.


Day 83 of 100 (I'm seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. No way I'd do 365 days at this point)

Pounds Lost: 5 (Yep, I pulled the scales out)
Pounds Gained: 0 (I just want to leave off where I started when I reach day 100.)
Happiness Level: 100% (Seafood does make you feel healthy and happy... and hungry two hours later.)
Missing My Kids: 100% (I'll get a holiday fix so I'm happy and thankful for that can't wait to see you guys)
Cooking Enjoyment: 100% (Very easy to steam mussels)
Eating Enjoyment: 100% (Discovered that we are big fans of mussels)
Meal Presentation: 100% (They photographed well, just not on the black plate had to use green)


2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Pamela, I thought I'd drop in as one blogger to another (via Facebook). I've been reading your updates there and though I'd come see the blog. I saw the movie "Julia and Julie" with friends. I'm not a cook, but since I blog, I found that part of the story particularly interesting. Your 100 day adventure is really cool. And--I'm impressed with the weight loss in the middle of it! Happy Thanksgiving.