Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Day 64: Quail Of A Pilaf


Quail JC
Oyster Dressing ME
Beets ME
Yams Me
Risotto-Pilaf-Pilau JC
(Braised Rice)

Tonight's dinner was so very easy to cook. I already had the plates made up from the meal yesterday so all I had to do was pull the plates out of the refrigerator. I just made the rice as a side dish and dinner was done. The braised rice was rather easy to make, comparatively. I would definitely make it again. The way Julia's recipe has you make the rice, gives it a very different flavor. She has various choices for the liquid and I chose the vermouth option. Very good.

I've become a huge fan of quail. After eating it two days in a row it has become a favorite. I've had pheasant before years ago and don't remember too much about it. I probably liked it okay enough. There aren't too many things I won't eat. I'm not really sure what the difference is between pheasant and quail. I do know quail is very small.

After reading just the first few chapters of "Julie and Julia" I can tell you she in no way made those recipes. I'm also pretty sure Julia Child did not meet with her because Julia knew full well that the book is a sham. Julia was a very clever woman all her life. I'm sure she saw right through the deception. The book should be under the fiction genre. She was broke and the groceries are very costly for this project. I'm anxious to see what the next chapter holds.

Day 64 of 100 (365 days, well sure I'll do 365 too if I can make the whole thing up.)

Pounds Lost: 5 lbs.
Pounds Gained: 0
Happiness Level: 100%
Missing My Kids: 100% (Making cookies for Brandon this Friday)
Cooking Enjoyment: 100% (Love leftover night)
Eating Enjoyment: 100%
Meal Presentation: 100% (I love quail...yummy)