Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day Three: Too Busy For A Void

I relaxed on my front patio with my cookbook this morning in an Adirondack chair . I needed to pull my menu together for the day. I had a cup of coffee and my dog at my side. The neighbors are busy with back to school and I miss being a part of that whole flocking to the box stores for discounted school supplies. I started missing my kids so I got up and got busy pulling a few weeds as my coffee went to the wayside and Dixie ended up in my Adirondack chair. I got all the weeds up, came inside and went over what I already had in my kitchen and started searching through the recipes. I knew a pork recipe would be on the menu but I needed to come up with the rest of the meal. My goal for this meal was to use up stuff I already had so I wouldn't have to make a trip to the store. I pulled strawberries, watermelon, yogurt, peach cardinal, raspberry sauce, potatoes, and so on until I had enough to come up with this menu:

Day Three: Too Busy For A Void


Watermelon/Strawberry Vischssoise (chilled soup from recipe online)
French Baguette Bread
Roast Pork w/Carrots, Onions and Cabbage JC
Boiled And Saut'eed Potatoes JC
Peach/Raspberry Thick Shake JC and Me (I used the Peach Cardinal for the shakes)

Julia Child definitely had a gift for cooking. This roast recipe gave pork a whole different flavor. I marinaded it in salt water then baked it for one hour with the carrots, onions and cabbage. Once it was cooked I added the potatoes that I had saut'eed in bacon fat. I started preparing for this meal at noon. I made the chilled soup and got the pork roast in the oven. Michael loved the potatoes and couldn't believe the taste of the pork. We are suppose to be eating just the said serving mentioned on the recipe. If it serves six then we portion out what would be a serving and eat just that. Tonight with the shake being part of our meal we got up from the table a little too slow and a little too full.

The shake was made with the peach cardinal and raspberry sauce. I added ice cream and then blended it all. Then topped it off with whipped cream, chopped pecans and a cherry. The french baguette was very crusty so I broke it up onto a bread plate and then drizzled some of the pork broth over it. Tonight I had the food on the table a bit earlier and the presentation was much more appealing. Michael made yum noises throughout the meal and was very impressed. Now I can see why Paul absolutely adored Julia. Michael looks at me from time to time with the most adoring eyes now. Or wait, maybe that's just hunger for dinner in his eyes. Anyway, we got the dishes washed and we are heading out the door to walk off some of that dinner.


Day 3 of 100 (365 days still seems to lofty for me to attain even though I'm getting good at it)

Pounds Lost: 2 lbs in 3 days
Pounds Gained: 0
Happiness Level: 60%
Missing My Kids: 80%
Cooking Enjoyment: 100%
Eating Enjoyment: 100% (even had ambience)
Meal Presentation: 60%