Monday, August 31, 2009

Day 16: Julia Country Style


'Epinards 'Etuv'es au Beurre JC
(Spinach Braised in Butter)

Chicken Livers w/Saut'eed Onions ME

Mashed Potatoes ME

Chicken Gravy ME & JC

Sweet Tea ME

I loved cooking today's meal. It was good American food with that southern influence. The spinach was going to be a challenge because I have never liked cooked spinach. Prepared the Julia way it was delicious and nearly addictive. That's something I'd thought I'd never say. But, with it being baby spinach leaves braised with hamhocks (Julia used ham pieces) it was really good.

The chicken liver was my recipe with sliced onions cooked with it. I took the drippings and made a typical white sauce gravy but I threw in some of Julia's techniques and came up with the best tasting gravy I have ever made. I put a bit of cooking wine and about a 1/2 tablespoon of tomato paste in with it. I let it get real thick and then I seasoned it to taste. I'll be making this gravy again real soon. I was going to make biscuits but Michael and I both are skipping bread and dessert tonight. You'll see why when you read the facts below.

I used my own tried and true mashed potatoes only because it is habit and I could just make it and not think about it. I did make Julia's famous mashed potatoes on a different blog day and loved them. But I am learning to pace myself with her recipes. This evening I had to eat alone since Michael worked a little late. I could have waited on him and I thought about waiting on him but nawwwww I was too hungry for this meal to wait on anyone. While some of the other meals were out of this world delicious, I personally liked this one because I was craving a good down home country style meal. It hit the spot, sweet tea and all. Julia is turning me on to French cooking but I think with this meal I could have easily turned her on to some good American down home cooking.

Day 16 of 100 (I could do 365 days like this, it was a breeze with just one of her recipes)

Pounds Lost: 3
Pounds Gained: 2
Happiness Level: 100%
Missing My Kids: 100%
Eating Enjoyment: 100%
Meal Presentation: 90% (I thought it looked scrumptuous)