Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Day 94: Roast Chicken


Poulet Roti JC
(Roast Chicken)

Mashed Potatoes ME

Gravy JC

Salad ME

This is the basic roast chicken recipe from the Julia Child Cookbook. I made a stuffing to go with it. The seasonings for the chicken is subtle and gives the chicken a really good flavor. I made the stuffing out of whole grain bread pieces, chicken livers, carrots, onions and seasonings. I put lemon juice over all.

The mashed potatoes aren't anything fancy. Just something I've always made and decided to make them with this meal. I did make the gravy from the saute pan drippings that I used to do the onions and carrots for the dressing.

It seems nowadays we can never get enough vegetables. I put a green leaf lettuce down and then just sliced tomatoes and sprinkled feta cheese over it. My goal is to try to eat more veggies and fruits from now on. I can feel myself getting bigger just from the bread and potatoes from tonight's dinner. ugh! Sure did taste good though.

Day 94 of 100: (Just about done...yay!)

Pounds Lost: I probably gained after eating this!
Pounds Gained: Don't know
Happiness Level: 100% (Thanks for calling me made my day. Love you baby girl.)
Missing My Kids: 100%
Cooking Enjoyment: 100%
Eating Enjoyment: 100%
Meal Presentation: 100%