Sunday, November 29, 2009

Day 84: Dinner Supreme

Supremes De Volaille A Brun JC
(Chicken Breasts Sauteed in Butter)

Brown Deglazing Sauce w/Wine JC

Steamed Sweet Corn ME

Mashed Sweet Potatoes ME

Cinnamon Muffins ME

Seeing as how Michael and I both are done with seafood for a while, we decided to have chicken tonight. I have never sauteed the breasts before but will now be preparing them this way a lot more often. The flavor is excellent and is very juicy and moist. I also made the Julia Child deglazing sauce to go over them. The flavor was exquisite, restaurant quality. I've already boxed up the leftovers for Michael's lunch for the next two days.

I do love regular can tell by my meat and potato way of eating that I am a meat and potato kind of cook. Still, I do like sweet potatoes for something different once in a while. Tonight after they were baked I pulled the peel away and then mashed them with butter, brown sugar and cinnamon. This gave the sweet potatoes a pumpkin pie type consistency and flavor.

I try to make a wide range of vegetables every week. Tonight I thought it would be a good night to make corn. With it being yellow it lacks pizazz on a plate. But with the brownish chicken breasts and the orange sweet potatoes, the corn looked colorful. I made the muffins this morning to go with our poached eggs. I usually try to leave bread out of my dinner, but who can resist a muffin?

Day 84 of 100 (365 days, that's funny.)

Pounds Lost: Scales are still put away.
Pounds Gained: It was Thanksgiving a few days ago, so I'm sure I'd be disappointed.
Happiness Level: 100%
Missing My Kids: 100%
Cooking Enjoyment: 100%
Eating Enjoyment: 100% (Juicy)
Meal Presentation: 100% (Pic looks yummy.)