Sunday, November 15, 2009

Day 75: Little Puffy Potato Spheres


Salmon w/lime and ginger

Gnocchi Gratin'es au Fromage
(Gnocchi Baked w/cheese)

Asparagus w/wine sauce


I just keep trying to find fun things to do with potatoes. I had no clue what gnocchi was and no clue that it was made with potatoes. So I was pretty excited when I stumbled across it in the Julia Child cookbook. This recipe was fun to make and fairly easy too. After I made the gnocchi I went to another recipe of Julia's and added the cheese and butter and baked it. Michael and I both liked it and it is something different for a potato dish. Gnocchi is like little potato puffs. Very good!

I've been making this salmon recipe for years. You just broil it, squeeze a lime down over it and then sprinkle ground ginger over it. Fresh salmon is very good for you and one of my favorite fish dishes. Salmon is suppose to be a great defense against cancers and it holds other health properties as well. It's brain food too! Be sure to eat your salmon.

Asparagus is something I make frequently in the spring but decided to buy a bunch today for this meal. Michelle who used to be my great and wonderful neighbor suggested wrapping it in bacon. While I got a phone call in the middle of my food prep this evening, I did not get to finish my asparagus as I had planned. I did make the bacon and then I sauteed the asparagus in the bacon grease with a bit of butter added. I then drained off the butter and grease and removed the asparagus and made a wine sauce and then added the asparagus back to the sauce. I served the bacon on the side with the asparagus. It was really good with the bacon-y flavor added to it.

I made a pan of cornbread to go with our lunch today. We had plenty left and with the bacon influence it went well with our dinner. If you are looking for something different try making gnocchi. It really is kind of easy and well worth it.

Day 75 of 100 (365 days, I feel so duped by Julie Powell that I'm good to just do 100.)

Pounds Lost: (I hope it's lots and lots!)
Pounds Gained: (I'm not sure because I refuse to get on the scale, jeans are fitting better though.)
Happiness Level: 100% (I love my kids and I have a great life, I'd feel guilty not being happy.)
Missing My Kids: 100% (Keep Brandon in your prayers. Call your mom Rebecca.)
Cooking Enjoyment: 100% (This meal was fun to make...try the gnocchi, it's fun.)
Eating Enjoyment: 100% (I love the gnocchi and we had some lemon tart leftover. What a meal.)
Meal Presentation: 100% (Looked as good as Cracker Barrel or any down home place.)