Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Day 58: Brussels Sprouts Are Good, No Really


Mesquite Burgers ME

Choux De Bruxelles Etuves Au Beurre JC
(Brussels Sprouts Braised In Butter)

Fried Sweet Potatoes w/Cinnamon and Sugar Me

Who knew sprouts could be so good? Mind you, first you have to blanch them, then you have to drain them then bring them to a sizzle. After all that your still not done. Then, you have to season them and drizzle butter over them and then bake them for 20 minutes. If you do all that, I'm telling you Brussels Sprouts arent' too bad. I have been using white pepper moreso now rather than the traditional black pepper for two reasons. First, Julia prefers it for her recipes. Secondly, I've quickly become a fan of white pepper. It isn't as peppery as the black pepper.

The burgers were pretty good. Next time I think I will back off of putting so much in them though. I mixed the ground beef with lots of ingredients and it was a little too overwhelming to the beef. Michael said he really liked them though. But then again, he'd say about anything to keep me making him these French inspired meals.

While I was at the grocery store today, I picked up some more sweet potatoes. I'm getting bored with baked sweet potatoes and the candied sweet potatoes are tired with me as well. So, I decided to try to fry them as I do regular potatoes. Rather than use bacon fat and salt and pepper, I used cinnamon and sugar to season them. They were really good. I didn't peel them either, that is always a plus.

All in all, this meal was pretty good and pretty easy to make. After I pulled the Brussels Sprouts out of the oven, I stuck some biscuits in there for in the morning. I'm going to make every effort to get up tomorrow and make Michael biscuits and gravy. We'll see how that pans out.

Pounds Lost: 4 lbs. (Yep, I'm real hungry 'bout all day but I'm losing it)
Pounds Gained: 1 lb. (This is still from the original five I lost when I started cooking)
Happiness Level: 100% (Headache free these days and I'm moving on)
Missing My Kids: 100% (Won't be long and I'll get to see Rebecca and her family)
Cooking Enjoyment: 100% (Fairly easy to make so I can't complain)
Eating Enjoyment: 100% (I'm so hungry it felt good to eat a burger, even if I did only eat half of it)
Meal Presentation: 75% (Wasn't too happy about the way the burger photographed.)