Friday, October 23, 2009

A Change Is Gonna Come

Due to the recent weight gain, I will be making breakfast with Julia rather than the dinner meals. Eating the heavy meals before bed is something I haven't ever really done. We have been indulging in desserts and wine as well. I've never been an evening muncher so I need to get back to my better eating habits. Michael is extremely depressed about this decision. But I have promised him delicious meals for breakfast. My pudgy body just can't endure all that butter, heavy whipping cream and other constantfattening ingredients in Julia's dinner recipes before going to bed.

I'm wondering if Julie really did make 365 recipes. She would have been as big as a cow eating like that in today's society. And I use every inch of my kitchen cooking area while cooking just one of her did Julie ever make a pear tart or beouf bourguignon in that tiny kitchen. I'm just saying. I've never read her blogs or her book. I've only seen the movie. But I'm going to go back and see if her blog is still online and then read her book. I'm really doubting her authenticity. Hey if Oprah can question the author of "A Million Little Pieces" then I can question Julie on her legitimacy.

Perhaps she did make all those recipes. But, here is what I question. Where did she put all the cookware, bakeware and utensils required to make all those different dishes? How did she have room for the food prep and the tremedous dishwashing that is required with cooking this way. Living in New York is expensive and so is cooking with Julia. How did Julie cover her cooking expenses? I'm also wondering if she photographed her food as she blogged about it. If she didn't take photos then I really question whether she actually cooked all those recipes. Hmmm. Did she really make all that food? Also, Julia's recipe are very time consuming. Julie was temp worker. How did she cook on the days she worked?

The one thing that did irk me when Oprah exposed the auther of the book she recommended, is that she then turned right around and posed for several "O" magazine covers with her body photoshopped. That's not authentic either. But since I have gained all this weight I can sure see why she does the enhancements. The way I've been spilling out of my clothes lately I can sure understand why she would want to deceive the public into thinking she is smaller than what she is. It sells way more magazines. Which brings me to the question, why couldn't that author beef up his story to sell more books? I'm going to check all this out and get back with you on my findings.