Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day 25: Trout And Tart


Garden Salad w/Feta Cheese and Vinaigrette ME

Filets De Poisson Poch'es Au Vin Blanc JC
Trout Poached In White Wine

Rice with Creamed Green Beans and Portabella Mushrooms ME & JC

Apple Tart JC

I didn't want to make a run to the grocery store with having items in the fridge that needed to be used. So, I cleaned out the fridge food wise. I didn't do any scrubbing on the shelves or anything. I'll do that on a day when I can stand it. I did however, clean my kitchen floor. When you do Julia meals you will be cleaning the floor nearly every day. It does get messy with all that chopping and flour and shaking of the seasonings.

This entire meal took me about 20 minutes. Not that I was looking for a quick and easy meal. But the poaching of the trout takes very little time. And while that was going I made up a salad and heated the leftover rice w/green beans. I also made toast with butter and currant jelly. The pear tart I made a few weeks ago called for that type of jelly so I wanted to use that up now too. At the end of the meal I think I accomplished my goal. I used up lots of raw veggies that had been given to me from gardens of friends, family and neighbors. I cleared out some leftovers and I made a new Julia recipe. To top it all off we also polished off the half bottle of Middle Sister Wine that was left as well.

Now that the fridge is bare I can start my day by going to the grocery store for the ingredients for my menu for tomorrow's meal. I used to abhor going to the store and shopping for food. But now I actually enjoy it. I used to grab the boxed items and the items that took very little effort. But now I am buying leeks, scallions, cooking wines, cream, and lots and lots of butter. Being in the mindset that all of these things are going to make a delectable dinner gives me a better shopping attitude.

Day 25 of 100 (1/4 of the way there! No 365 for me.)

Pounds Lost: 1 (keep in mind I had lost 5 when I started this)
Pounds Gained: 4 (That's it I'm cutting back on making desserts...NOT!)
Happiness Level: 50% (I'm really missing my kids)
Missing My Kids: 100%
Cooking Enjoyment: 75% (I actually enjoy the meals with a mission, this one was too easy.)
Eating Enjoyment: 75% (Enjoy trout? hmmm, not so much.)
Meal Presentation: 75% (Trout doesn't photograph well, it's so pale and all.)