Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Day 17: A Vegan Friendly Dish

Carottes a; la Forestie're JC
(Braised Carrots w/Artichokes Hearts and Mushrooms)

Greek Seasoned Pork Cubes ME

Baked Potato ME

Sweet Tea (Arizona Stress Tea-decaf)

Tomorrow's meal is a lot of prep work. So, I started on it today getting the meat in the 20 ingredient marinade. It has to marinade for several hours and then bake for 6 to 24 hours. Should be flavorful and tender. In the meanwhile I got the carrots going and then got everything else out that I needed for today's dish. I'm pretty good now about getting my act together so I'm not scrambling around the kitchen trying to find something while half of my ingredients are burning on the stove. I got the hearts and mushrooms stirred in with some shallots. All of this had to cook down until the broth was gone. When I lifted the lid it smelled wonderful!

I had some frozen pork cubes from last week that I revamped. And then I made some baked potatoes to kind of balance out the meal. The pita bread had a better flavor than when we had it with the Greek meal. I grilled it with olive oil, garlic and some other seasonings. It tasted much better. It was an easy meal and in the end I now have a new favorite side dish. If you ever need to fancy up a drab meal, make the carrot dish. It is easy and vegan friendly. It could even be a main dish for those who don't eat meat.

We both agreed this was not anything amazing but for being a quick meal it was really good. The piece of pecan pie for dessert gave the meal goodness points too. I still a have a few more slices in the freezer. After I accomplish, or should I say if I accomplish tomorrow's meal I think I am ready to start having people over for a French meal. I think I want my "Julia Kitchen" done first though.

Day 17 of 100 (I'm so tired I won't make it through 365...sticking to 100)

Pounds Lost: 3
Pounds Gained: 2
Happiness Level: 100% (I have a husband who loves me very much)
Missing My Kids: 100%
Cooking Enjoyment: 100% (It lacked the pizazz of the arduous meals)
Eating Enjoyment: 85% (The meal didn't have the usual cream and butter)
Meal Presentation: 75%