Friday, January 1, 2010

Day 96: Cabbage Soup


Soupe Aux Choux-Garbure JC
(Cabbage Soup)

Cornbread ME

French Rose Wine

Happy New Year Everyone! Michael and I brought in the new year with a nice steaming hot bowl of cabbage soup. My mom always had cabbage on New Year's Day to bring good fortune to the family. I believe it is an Irish tradition. This year I was smart in buying my head of cabbage a few days beforehand. Normally, if you wait till the last minute, nary a head is to be found.

I used the online Julia recipe rather than the Volume I recipe. It is closer to the recipe my mom made...actually now that I think about, she didn't really use a recipe. Let's just say it is closer to what my mom made. I made cornbread and served the cabbage soup with plenty of juices so that the cornbread could be broken up and soak the juices. Mmmmm, mmmmm. Delicious!

Facts: Day 96 of 100 (I just may complete this blog, I never complete anything.)

Pounds Lost: I'm losing weight steadily now. The potatoes just might put some right back on though.
Pounds Gained: Prolly a few with those potatoes I ate...worth it though.
Happiness Level: 100%
It's all good, even the pic turned out.